5 dages inspirerende DAT uddannelse med Prof. Martin Bohus (30 timer, er godkendt af DP i forhold til specialistuddannelserne)

Prof. Martin Bohus vil komme til DK for at gennemføre et DAT kursus for psykologer/læger og andre faggrupper på 5 dage.

Prof. Martin Bohus har arbejdet med DAT siden 1994 med både ambulant og døgnbehandling af borderline patienter i Tyskland i 30 år. Han har en lang klinisk erfaring og forskningserfaring. Han er præsident for THE European DBT Society.

Martin Bohus received his specialty in Psychiatry and in Psychosomatic Medicine. Since 2003 he has held the Chair of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Heidelberg University and is Scientific Director at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim. He holds a visiting professorship at the University of Antwerp and Harvard Medical School. He has received several awards for psychotherapy research. He is past president of the European Society for the Studies of Personality Disorders (ESSPD) and is president of the German Association for DBT. He was president and initiator of the 1st International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder in Berlin in 2010. He has currently published more than 300 articles and book chapters, mainly on mechanisms of psychotherapy, borderline personality disorders, and PTSD.

Det er med stor glæde, at Prof. Bohus kommer til Danmark for en 5 dags DAT kursus i ambulant DAT behandling. Han har arbejdet parallelt med Prof. Marsha Linehan, som han også er privat ven og forskningskollega med. Han er nære venner og forskningskollega med Prof. Marsha Linehan.

Han vil præsentere DAT på en en ny måde. Jeg har selv gennemgået hans uddannelse og med mine 15 års erfaring med DAT både ambulant og i døgnregi, så åbner der sig mange nye vinkler og handlemuligheder for både terapeut og klient. Selv erfarne DAT behandlere vil blive inspireret af hans tilgang til behandlingen. Denne 5 dages DAT uddannelse er en gave af inspiration og mulige forbedringer af den eksisterende DAT behandling, som selv erfarne danske DAT behandlere vil få meget gavn af. Der er stærke forbedringer af DAT behandlingen hentet fra schematerapi, compassionfokuseret terapi, ACT og  emotionel processeringsterapi inspireret af bl.a. Edna Foa og mindfulness på en helt ny måde. Et must kursus for behandlere med DAT erfaring og uden DAT erfaring. Prof. Bohus vil præsenter DAT på en helt ny måde og vise, hvordan man kan arbejde med med nye modeller og hvordan borderline patienter kan bearbejde psykiske traumetiske netværk som “forladthed”, “afvisning” og “PTSD/traumenetværk” gennem eksponering og erkendelse. Mindfulness modulet er helt anderledes og nytænkende, hvor compassion får en helt ny og central rolle gennem specifikke mindfulnessopgaver, som DAT behandlere i den amerikanske tradition ikke er bekendt med. Glæd dig og bliv inspireret! Han har en helt nye modeller og tekster for alle 4 moduler; bevidst nærvær, følelsesregulering, hold ud færdigheder og relationsfærdigheder. Målene for DAT er blevet mere præcise, bedre udformet og mere tilgængelig for patienterne. Der er 2 spor i behandlingen: et behandlingsspor med fokus på EUP med eksponering mod PTSD og et behandlingsspor for EUP med eksponering for centrale emotionelle netværk som “at blive forladt” og “at blive afvist”.

Kurset er godkendt af Dansk Psykolog Foreningen med henblik på specialistuddannelsenerne med 30 timer (anden teoretiske referenceramme).

Se video med Martin Bohus

A new inspiring DBT education by Prof. Martin Bohus (30 hours, approcved by the danish psychologist union to specialisteducations)

Prof. Martin Bohus will come to to Denmark to do 5 days education in DBT for psychologists and medical professionals.

Prof. Martin Bohus has worked with DBT since 1994 with inpatient and outpatients in Germany. He has a long clinical experience and research experience. He is the President for the European DBT Society.

Martin Bohus received his specialty in Psychiatry and in Psychosomatic Medicine. Since 2003 he has held the Chair of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Heidelberg University and is Scientific Director at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim. He holds a visiting professorship at the University of Antwerp and Harvard Medical School. He has received several awards for psychotherapy research. He is past president of the European Society for the Studies of Personality Disorders (ESSPD) and is president of the German Association for DBT. He was president and initiator of the 1st International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder in Berlin in 2010. He has currently published more than 300 articles and book chapters, mainly on mechanisms of psychotherapy, borderline personality disorders, and PTSD.

He has worked with Prof. Marsha Linehan for 30 years. He will present who to work with DBT in a more efficient way than the american DBT tradition. I have 15 year of experience with outpatient DBT and Bohus´ thinking and work is absolutly better, more specific and keeps the therapy more on track. The quality is better than the american tradition. There are more specific mindfulness training, instructions and worksheets. There is a strong inspiration from schematherapy, compassionfocuseret terapi, ACT og  emotionel processeringsterapi. It is a “must” education for DBT therapists.  Prof. Bohus will present DBT in a different way with new models, and show how to work with patients with central traumanetworks on “abandoment”, “social rejection network” and PTSD traumanetworks through in-senso exposure.

The mindfulness module is new and different, but make more sense for patients, that many DBT therapists is not acquainted with. The mindfulness module is different, but make more sense and it is easier to work with for clients. Look forward to get inspired by Prof. Bohus! He has new models and new texts for all 4 modules in DBT.  The goals for DBT become more clear and give more sense for DBT clients. Research shows that Prof. Martin Bohus´  DBT program har higher efficacy for the global function for patients.

The course is approved by The Danish Psychologist union with 30 hours for the specialist educations (second theoretical reference).

Emne RegistringstypeTimer
Klinisk teori og træning, i børne- og ungepsykologi (90t). Tidl. psykoterp. metoder
Psykopatologi øvrige
Psykotraumatologi øvrige
Klinisk neuropsykologi øvrige
Gerontopsykologi øvrige
Behandling (42 timer)
Anden teoretisk referenceramme (30 timer) Kognitiv/adfærdsterapeutisk
Teori og intervention i klinisk arbejde (90 timer). Uddannelsesretning: Voksne

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    5 dages uddannelse i dialektisk adfærdsterapi med Professor Martin Bohus



    Tid: 8.30-16.00

    Sted: Diakonissestiftelsen, 1. sal, Peter Bangsvej 5B, 2000 Frederiksberg

    Sprog: Engelsk

    Pris: 12.600,- plus moms